AFFR | affricate |
CONS, С | consonant |
den | dental |
FRIC, fric | fricative |
l/v | labio-velar |
lab, L | labial |
lat | lateral |
PLOS, plos | plosive |
nas | nasal |
SIB | sibilant |
SON, son | sonant |
V | vowel |
vel | velar |
VŌC, V͞ | long (tense) vowel |
VŎC, V | short (lax) vowel |
OED | The Oxford English Dictionary (3rd edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
Onions | Onions, C.T. 2002. The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology. Oxford: Clarendon Press |
Pok. | Pokorny, J. 2005. Indogermanisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch. Bern-München: Francke. |
Skeat | Skeat, W.W. 2006. An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Oxford: Clarendon Press |
Taylor | Taylor, K.J. 2007. KA-BOOM! A Dictionary of Comic Book Words, Symbols and Onomatopoeia. Surrey BC: Mora Publications. |
WS |
Written Sound (An Electronic Dictionary of Onomatopoeia)
writtensound.com/index.php |
Collins | Collins English Dictionary. Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers, 2012 |
Dict.com |
dictionary.com |