Web-Sites and Pages devoted to Iconicity and Onomatopoeia
- Iconicity in Language and Literature (University of Amsterdam, University of Zurich):
iconicity.ch - Maria Flaksman’s personal page on Academia.edu:
eltech.academia.edu/MariaFlaksman - Linguistic Iconism Project:
Dictionaries of Iconic Words
- Taylor, K.J. 2007. KA-BOOM! A Dictionary of Comic Book Words, Symbols and Onomatopoeia. Surrey BC: Mora Publications.
- Written Sound (An Electronic Dictionary of Onomatopoeia):
Further Works on Language Iconicity
- Abelin, Å. 1999. Studies in Sound Symbolism. Göteborg: Göteborg University Press.
- Alpher, В. 1994. “Yir-Yiront Ideophones”. In Sound Symbolism. L. Hinton, J. Nickols and J.J. Ohala (eds), 161-178. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Anderson, E. 1988. A Grammar of Iconism. London: Associated University Press.
- Bartens, A. 2000. Ideophones and Sound Symbolism in Atlantic Creoles. Helsinki: Gummerus Printing Saarjärvi.
- Bohnhoff, L.E. 1982. “Yag Dii (Duru) Ideophones”. Cahier du Département des Langues et Linguistiques, Université de Yaounde 2: 1-14.
- Bratus, I.B. 1976. Akusticheskie onomatopi v indoneziiiskom jazike (Acousic Onomatopoes in Indonesian – in Russian). PhD diss., University of Leningrad.
- Brodovich, O.I. 2008. “Zvukoizobrazitelnost i zvukovie zakony (Iconicity and Sound Changes – in Russian)”. In Yazik-Soznanie-Kultura-Sozium. , 485-489. Saratov: Nauka.
- Childs, G.T. 1994. “African Ideophones”. In Sound Symbolism, L. Hinton, J. Nickols and J.J. Ohala (eds), 178-207. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Diffloth, G. 1994. “i: big, a: small” In Sound Symbolism, L. Hinton, J. Nickols and J.J. Ohala (eds), 107-114. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Doke, C.M. 1935. Bantu Linguistic Terminology. London: Longmans.
- Elders, S. 2001. “Defining Ideophones in Mundang”. In Ideophones. Typological Studies in Language 44, F.K. Erhard Voeltz, Ch. Kilian-Hatz (eds), 97-110. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Fivaz, D. 1963. “The Ideophone as a Phonosemantic Class: the Case of Yoruba”. Current Approaches to African Linguistics 1: 263-278.
- Flaksman, M. 2013. “Preservation of Long Vowels in Onomatopoeic Words Denoting Pure Tones: Phonosemantic Inertia”. In The Proceedings of the Joseph M. Tronsky XVII Memorial Annual International Conference Indo-European Comparative Linguistics and Classical Philology in the Institute for Linguistic Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg, N.N. Kazanski (ed), 917-923. St. Petersburg: Nauka.
- Flaksman, M. 2015a Diachronicheskoye razvitie zvuloizobrazitelnoi leksiki angliiskogo yazika (Diachronic Development of English Iconic Vocabulary – in Russian). PhD diss. St. Petersburg.
- Flaksman, M. 2015b. “Onomatopoeic Words in Gothic: Iconic Elements in Wulfila’s Translation of the New Testament”. In the Proceedings of the 23. Linguistik- und Literaturtage in St. Petersburg, Russland: die Sprachen Mitteleuropas und darüber hinaus. Internationale Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen (GeSuS) 22.-24 Juni 2015, St.Petersburg: 9.
- Gazov-Ginsberg, А.М. 1965. Byl li yazik zvukoizobrazitelen v svoich istokah? (Was the language iconic in its origin? – in Russian). Moscow: Nauka.
- Hinton, L., Nichols J. and Ohala J.J. (eds). 1994. Sound Symbolism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Hock, H.H. 1986. Principles of Historical Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Jakobson, R. and Waugh L.R. 1979. The Sound Shape of Language. London: Indiana University Press.
- Jespersen, O. 1933. “Symbolic Value of the Vowel i:”. Linguistica : 283-303.
- Joseph, B.D. 1997. “On the Iconic Elements in Etymological Investigation”. Diachronica 4(1): 1-26.
- Kankia, N.D. 1988. Primarnaya motivirovannost slova (na materiale angliiskogo i grizinskogo yazikov). (The primary motivation of the word (in English and Georgian) – in Russian). PhD diss., Leningrad.
- Kaufman, T. 1994. “Symbolism and Change in Sound System of Huastec”. In Sound Symbolism, L. Hinton, J. Nickols and J.J. Ohala (eds), 63-75. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Kuzmich, I.V. 1993. Zvukoizobrazitelnost i amerikanskii sleng: fonosemanticheskii analiz. (Iconicity in American Slang: a Phonosemanti c Analysis – in Russian). PhD diss., St. Petersburg.
- Lapkina, L.Z. 1979. Angliiskie i bashkirskie akusticheskie onomatopi (English and Bashkir Acoustic Onomatopes – in Russian). PhD diss., Leningrad.
- Liberman, A. 2010. “Iconicity and Etymology”. In Synergy, J. Conradie, J. Ronel, M. Beukes, O. Fischer and Ch. Ljungberg (eds), 243-258. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Lühr, R. 1988. Expressivität und Lautgesetz im Germanishen. Heidelberg: Karl Winter Universitätsverlag.
- Malkiel, Y. 1990. Diachronic Problems in Phonosymbolism. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Marchand, H. 1959. “Phonetic Symbolism in English Word-Formation”. Indogermanische Forschungen 64 (2): 146-168, (3): 256-267.
- Mazanaev, I.A. 1985. Osnovnie gruppy zvukosimvolicheskih slov: fonosemanticheskii analiz (na materiale angliiskogo i lesginskogo yazulov). (The Main Groups of English and Lesgin Iconic Words – in Russian). PhD diss., Leningrad.
- McGregor, W. 2001. “Ideophones as the Source of Verbs in Nothern Australian Languages”. In Ideophones. Typological Studies in Language 44, F.K. Erhard Voeltz, Ch. Kilian-Hatz (eds), 205-222. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Mikone, E. 2001. “Ideophones in the Balto-Finnic Languages”. In Ideophones. Typological Studies in Language 44 , F.K. Erhard Voeltz , Ch. Kilian-Hatz (eds), 223-234. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Newman, P. “Are Ideophones Really as Weird and Extra-Systematic as Linguists Make them out to Be?” In Ideophones. Typological Studies in Language 44, F.K. Erhard Voeltz, Ch. Kilian-Hatz (eds), 251-258. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Sadowski, P. 2001. “The Sound as an Echo to the Sense. The Iconicity of English gl- Words”. In The Motivated Sign . M. Nänny and O. Fischer (eds), 69-88. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Samarin, W.J. 1979. “Simplification, Pidginisation, and Language Change”. In Readings in Creole Studies , I.F. Hancock, (ed.), 55-68. Ghent, Belgium: Story-Scientia.
- Schulze-Berndt, E. 2001. “Ideophone-like Characteristics of Uninflected Predicates in Jaminjung (Australia)”. In Ideophones. Typological Studies in Language 44, F.K. Erhard Voeltz, Ch. Kilian-Hatz (eds), 355-374. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Shliahova, S.S. 1991. Tipi i funktsii onomatopov v russkoi rechi (Types and Functions of Onomatopes in Russian Speech – in Russian). PhD diss., Leningrad.
- Slonitskaya, E.I. 1987. Zvukosimvolizm oboznachenii okruglogo (opyt tipologicheskogo issledovaniya) (Iconicity of Roundness (a Typological Comparison) – in Russian). PhD diss., Leningrad.
- Smithers, G.V. 1954. “Some English Ideophones”. Archivum Linguistikum 6 (2): 73-111.
- Veldi, E.A. 1988. Anglo-estonskie paralleli v onomatopee (English-Estonian Parallels in Onomatopoeia – in Russian)”. PhD diss., Tartu.
- Voeltz, E.F.K. and Kilian-Hatz Ch. (eds). 2001. Ideophones. Typological Studies in Language 44. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Voronin, S.V. 1969. Angliiskie onomatopi (Tipy i stroenie) . (English Onomatopoes (Types and Structure) – in Russian). PhD diss., Leningrad.
- Voronin, S.V. 1998. Angliiskie onomatopi: fonosemanticheskaya klassifikatsiya (English Onomatopes: a Phonosemantic Classification – in Russian). St. Petersburg: IFL.
- Voronin, S.V. 2005. Iconicity. Glottogenesis. Semiosis: Sundry Papers. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University Press.
- Voronin, S.V. 2006. Osnovy Phonosemantiki . (The Fundamentals of Phonosemantics). Moscow: Lenand.
- Wescott, R.W. 1980. Sound and Sense. Linguistic Essays on Phonosemic Subjects . Lake Bluff: Jupiter Press.